As of this writing (October 18) temperatures in the Walla Walla Valley have been ranging from the low 40's to the low 70's, which is expected to continue through Tuesday, October 23, followed by a cooling trend into the 60's along with intermittent showers. Forecasts are similar for Prosser and Red Mountain.

Some wineries have already completed harvesting, others still have grapes hanging on the vines. Harvesting all depends on the vineyards' individual microclimates, none of them exactly the same. Even some blocks within vineyards will have grapes ripening more quickly or more slowly than other blocks.

Jan Roskelley (Tero Estates) stated, "Why do we still have grapes on the vines. Because...We always harvest later than most of the valley at Windrow Vineyard. It is a unique setting. When the grapes are ready, we will harvest."

Late harvesting requires vigilance to watch out for freezing weather. One can turn on the fans, but they are wind sensitive and have to be monitored through the night. Such is the life of a grape grower.

More later! Stay tuned!